Unsere Programme
Unsere Programme sollen dazu dienen, Ihr Wohlbefinden zu steigern und zu stabilisieren. Im Rahmen der Programme beschäftigen Sie sich mit den zugrundeliegenden Problemen, die einen negativen Einfluss auf Ihr Leben haben können.
Sehen Sie sich die nachstehend aufgeführten Programme an, um festzustellen, ob sich eines davon für Sie eignet.
Depression bewältigen
Dieses Programm ist eine effektive Behandlungsmethode für Menschen, die an Niedergeschlagenheit und Depression leiden.
- Lernen Sie den Zusammenhang zwischen Gedanken, Gefühlen und Verhaltensweisen kennen.
- Erlernen Sie positive Verhaltensweisen, die Ihre Stimmung verbessern.
- Entwickeln Sie ein besseres Selbstwertgefühl und werden Sie optimistischer.
Sie sind sich unsicher?
Wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, welches Programm für Sie geeignet ist oder ob Sie überhaupt ein Programm benötigen, sollten Sie dieses kurze Quiz beantworten.
Quiz zum WohlbefindenOder wenn Sie einfach nur mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie sich Ihr Wohlbefinden verbessern lässt, sollten Sie sich unsere Tipps zum Wohlbefinden durchlesen. Los
Ihr Wohlbefinden
SchlechtUnterdurchschnittlichDurchschnittlichÜberdurchschnittlichIhr Wohlbefinden wird eingestuft als
Your quiz score suggests you are experiencing low wellbeing at the moment. Lots of people experience low wellbeing. Living with low wellbeing can contribute to symptoms of depression, anxiety or stress.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. Our programs are proven to help you feel better.
Your quiz score suggests your sense of wellbeing might be lower than average at the moment. Lots of people experience below average wellbeing. Living with lower wellbeing can impact on your day-to-day life and even contribute to symptoms of depression, anxiety or stress.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. Our programs are proven to help you feel better.
Your quiz score suggests you are experiencing average wellbeing at the moment. While this is a reassuring score, wellbeing is influenced by a combination of many aspects of our life and can be challenging to maintain. Stress, inactivity, social isolation, money problems, poor health, lack of sleep or inability to cope with challenging experiences are only some of the factors affecting our overall wellbeing. You can still improve your wellbeing by taking action.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. Our programs are proven to help you feel better.
Your quiz score suggests you are experiencing above average wellbeing at the moment. While this is a reason to be cheerful, wellbeing is influenced by a combination of many aspects of our life and can be challenging to maintain. Stress, inactivity, social isolation, money problems, poor health, lack of sleep or inability to cope with challenging experiences are only some of the factors affecting our overall wellbeing. You can still improve your wellbeing by taking action.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. Our programs are proven to help you feel better.
Based on your answers to the wellbeing quiz see below a list of programs that might be suitable for you.
Suitable Programs
Andere Programme
>Ihr Wohlbefinden
Wenn Sie einfach nur mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie sich Ihr Wohlbefinden verbessern lässt. Los
Ihre Depression wird eingestuft als
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing no symptoms or minimal symptoms of depression.
While this is a reason to be cheerful, your wellbeing is influenced by a combination of many aspects of your life and can be challenging to maintain.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. You might like to check out this program or one of our other programs to see if one might be suitable for you.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing mild symptoms of depression.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Depression program is suitable for you.
This program can help you better understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Based on years of clinical research, our Space from Depression program is proven to help you feel better.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing moderate symptoms of depression.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Depression program is suitable for you.
This program can help you better understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Based on years of clinical research, our Space from Depression program is proven to help you feel better.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing moderately severe symptoms of depression.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Depression program is suitable for you.
This program can help you better understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Based on years of clinical research, our Space from Depression program is proven to help you feel better.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing severe symptoms of depression.
Based on your answers to this clinical assessment we recommend you speak to a trained mental health practitioner. If you are unsure who to contact, try your GP first. Your GP will help you to get specialist help. If you need urgent help and your GP surgery is closed, their voicemail will direct you to the right place.
Ihre Angstzustände werden eingestuft als
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing no symptoms or minimal symptoms of anxiety.
While this is a reason to be cheerful, your wellbeing is influenced by a combination of many aspects of your life and can be challenging to maintain.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. You might like to check out this program or one of our other programs to see if one might be suitable for you.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing mild symptoms of anxiety.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Anxiety program is suitable for you.
Space from Anxiety can help you manage anxiety, challenge anxious thoughts and feel better. Based on years of clinical research, our Space from Anxiety program is proven to help you feel better.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing moderate symptoms of anxiety.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Anxiety program is suitable for you.
Space from Anxiety can help you manage anxiety, challenge anxious thoughts and feel better. Based on years of clinical research, our Space from Anxiety program is proven to help you feel better.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing moderately severe symptoms of anxiety.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Anxiety program is suitable for you.
Space from Anxiety can help you manage anxiety, challenge anxious thoughts and feel better. Based on years of clinical research, our Space from Anxiety program is proven to help you feel better.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing severe symptoms of anxiety.
Based on your answers to this clinical assessment we recommend you speak to a trained mental health practitioner. If you are unsure who to contact, try your GP first. Your GP will help you to get specialist help. If you need urgent help and your GP surgery is closed, their voicemail will direct you to the right place.
Ihr Stress wird eingestuft als
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing low stress.
While this is a reason to be cheerful, your wellbeing is influenced by a combination of many aspects of your life and can be challenging to maintain.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. You might like to check out this program or one of our other programs to see if one might be suitable for you.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing moderate stress.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Stress program is suitable for you.
With a focus on resilience, our Space from Stress program helps you to identify and enhance existing strengths and skills, ultimately offering welcome space from stress.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing high stress.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space from Stress program is suitable for you.
With a focus on resilience, our Space from Stress program helps you to identify and enhance existing strengths and skills, ultimately offering welcome space from stress.
Ihr Schlaf wird eingestuft als
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing low or no insomnia.
While this is a reason to be cheerful, your sleep is influenced by a combination of many aspects of your life and can be challenging to maintain.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. You might like to check out this program or one of our other programs to see if one might be suitable for you.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing mild insomnia.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space for Sleep program is suitable for you.
This program will help you to understand the causes of any sleep difficulties that you may have, as well as providing you with the necessary tools and techniques for overcoming them.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing moderate insomnia.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space for Sleep program is suitable for you.
This program will help you to understand the causes of any sleep difficulties that you may have, as well as providing you with the necessary tools and techniques for overcoming them.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing high insomnia.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space for Sleep program is suitable for you.
This program will help you to understand the causes of any sleep difficulties that you may have, as well as providing you with the necessary tools and techniques for overcoming them.
Ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit wird eingestuft als
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing low resilience.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space for Resilience program is suitable for you.
With a focus on resilience, our Space for Resilience program helps you to identify and enhance existing strengths and skills, ultimately offering welcome space from stress.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing normal resilience.
Based on your answers to this assessment we believe our Space for Resilience program is suitable for you.
With a focus on resilience, our Space for Resilience program helps you to identify and enhance existing strengths and skills, ultimately offering welcome space from stress.
Your assessment score suggests you have been experiencing high resilience.
While this is a reason to be cheerful, your wellbeing is influenced by a combination of many aspects of your life and can be challenging to maintain.
Our evidence-based programs can help you manage the way you think, act and feel. Everything we do is informed by clinical expertise and over 10 years of research and testing. You might like to check out this program or one of our other programs to see if one might be suitable for you.